I hope this finds you all happy and enjoying this summer.


We are on a rocket ride!

Been doing my Buffalo Bill and JD Tributes here in Montana and they are really fun, I even got a billboard advertising the show (yipppeeee). Then my daughter Casey is getting married next Saturday (I can't believe I'm saying that).

I've had a ton of work and traveling. Getting to play a bunch with my friend Livingston Taylor, and also my son James. Saw Jimmy Buffet and gave him the sad news about our friend Timmy Charles from Aspen had passed away. Coming up in October I’m playing in Scottsdale for a fund raiser at the Western Spirit, Museum of the West, and also for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Then it's Florida for a sun burn and a short break. Then two big shows in St Louis (with Jim Horn on board), then San Francisco, Sioux Falls, Rolling Rock Country Club in Pittsburgh and Washington D.C. and the Supreme Court for a special dinner. I'll be in the next Martin Guitar Magazine in January (it’s annual and a big deal to me).

Several new albums: a Live CD with James, one with Ken Miller and National Repertory Orchestra in Silverthorne Colorado and a new one just about finished (I’m 2 songs away…. new original songs including a brand new one for Casey and Brandon’s wedding). I’m in Denver for a day next week recording then playing the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs with James.

Then Casey marries Brandon Freeman! WOW!!


Love to you all!

Jim Salestrom