If These Guitars Could Talk....

For so many of us born during the “baby boom” era, nothing was more important than making or listening to music, especially when it involved a guitar. All of us were influenced by the early “rock ’n’ roll” songs that had been ushered in by Elvis Presley and his cohorts, and we all wanted to be a part of it. I know I did.It turns out that a young man from the heartland of Nebraska, Jim Salestrom, had that same dream. Born into a family in the mid-1950s as the second of three boys, Jim found his love of music from his parents, his church, and, most definitely, in school, where he learned trombone and piano before getting involved in serious guitar playing.Jim was gifted with an inexpensive Kay f-hole guitar as a seven-year-old, and his love for the instrument caused him to explore what other brands were out there. He soon learned about Martin guitars, and a relationship began that has continued to the present day.

Read Jim’s interview in
MARTIN | The Journal of Acoustic Guitars: Volume 10

Jim Salestrom